Manifesting Good Neighbors

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you likely know that my vibration on the topic of neighbors has been sketchy in the past.

I’ve had big contrast and big wins with this vibration, and I get to tune it up again as I’m about to have new neighbors in the hood.

At first I was grumbly about it … more people in my area was not my highest joy.

So I’ve been deliberately working on my “amazing neighbor” vibration, because if I’m going to have neighbors, they’re going to be amazing. I’m too smart to do it any other way! (That’s part script, part affirmation, part reminder to self.)

Anyway, I’ve been practicing what I love most about my new neighbors before anyone even moves in. They’re fun, they’re friendly, they’re delightful to visit with, they’re the kind of people that make you light up when you see them. They’re fabulous people and they make life up here even better!

That’s what I’m practicing to help replace old feelings of resentment and despair.

And I got a chance to practice it in real time as I was walking the dogs the other day on our new neighborhood road. I spotted a jogger headed our way. Which meant we had to leash up the dogs, which irritated me, especially because the jogger was from the illegal Airbnb at the end of the road.

It was bad vibes all around and I was grumbly about it.

Until I heard myself and realized that this is one of my neighbors, and I only have amazing neighbors, so why would I be grumbly? Because I have amazing neighbors!

That reminder ushered in a download from above that in order for me to have amazing neighbors I need to be one. A grumbly person doesn’t have amazing neighbors. They don’t go together. So I get to be it first.

And in that moment I became an amazing neighbor, calling out a friendly greeting to the stranger who called one back, and we had a lovely exchange. My day was legitimately better off for having her in it!

I loved this evidence of my progress on the neighbor vibration!

Then it happened again a few days later as I was outside with dogs off leash when a stranger walked down our road with his dog.

My first response was griping about why were people walking on our road when no one even lives here yet, and now I have to go put my dogs inside so they don’t cause any issues, grumble grumble irritated grumble.

But then I remembered I’m being an amazing neighbor, and an amazing neighbor would be friendlier and more open. Not resentful or irritated. The reminder helped my vibe shift.

And guess what happened?

The dog walker stopped to chat! And turned out to be a literal neighbor right around our new corner! A friendly, chatty, fabulous neighbor!

Not only that, his dog likes playmates and I’ve been looking for one for Winston! And there’s more! He went on to tell me about local trails within walking distance that I didn’t even know about! And then offered to show me them since I haven’t found them on my own yet!

This is my idea of a fabulous neighbor. Universe is delivering! This is great evidence of my progress!

And that’s not all …

A couple days after we exchanged contact info the newly introduced neighbor reached out to invite me and my pack on a walk with him and his wife to explore those local trails he told me about! And I got the distinct impression it was possible I was getting not just an amazing neighbor, not just with a fab playdate for Winston, but also a possibility of having in person friends which I’ve been manifesting with flashcards!

The vibrational practice is paying off!

That’s my story for you today … don’t wait for it to change out there before you change it in you, some how some way. When you make a vibrational shift the world has to morph to match you, whatever you’re willing to vibrate. Whether it’s, wealth and abundance, or peace and quiet, or love and appreciation, or intimacy and connection, or success and accolades – whatever you’re willing to practice before it’s real – Universe will find a way to make it so. Before anyone even moves in.

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